Common hoptree: Ptelea trifoliata

Overview of the common hoptree, Ptelea trifoliata. Photographed on 7 May 2005 at Aguirre Springs on the Pine Tree Trail.
Overview of the common hoptree, <em>Ptelea trifoliata</em>.
Botanical Characteristics:

More information and pictures:

Overview of <em>Ptelea_trifoliata</em>.
Overview of Ptelea_trifoliata. This small tree (up to 10 feet tall). Of interest to beer drinkers is that the fruits can be used as a replacement for hops in beer making (Foxx, Martin, and Hoard 2016; more details in this wonderful guide).
Flowers and leaves of Ptelea_trifoliata. This small tree (up to 10 feet tall) has palmately compound leaves with three leaflets, which smell like a skunk if crushed (Foxx, Martin, and Hoard 2016). The flowers are an interesting greenish white to pale yellow.
Flowers and leaves of <em>Ptelea_trifoliata</em>.
Back of leaf of <em>Ptelea_trifoliata</em>.
Back of leaf of Ptelea_trifoliata. Leaves are palmately compound leaves with three leaflets, which smell like a skunk if crushed (Foxx, Martin, and Hoard 2016). Note hairs on back of leaf.
Trunk of Ptelea_trifoliata showing bark.
Trunk of <em>Ptelea_trifoliata</em> showing bark.




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