Red brome or foxtail chess: Bromus rubens
Overview of red brome grass (a.k.a. foxtail chess) Bromus rubens. Young plants are green, mature to a purplish color, and then fade to a tan-straw color. Photographed at Aguirre Springs Campground, May 8, 2055. |  |
Botanical Characteristics: | |
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 | Closeup of red brome grass Bromus rubens seed head. Photographed at Aguirre Springs Campground, May 8, 2055. |
Closeup of red brome grass Bromus rubens seed head, showing individual florets. Note the long awn that is bristle-like. This grass is commonly called a foxtail because of the resemblance to a fox's tail. Photographed at Aguirre Springs Campground, May 8, 2055. |  |
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