Foothills Indian paintbrush: Castilleja integra

Overview of Castilleja integer, a plant found in pinyon-juniper woodlands and commonly called Indian Paintbrush. Pictures from the Falls Trail in Bandelier National Monument, Cebolla Mesa, Rio Grande Gorge, and Black Rock, Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument. The genus name honors Castillejo, a Spanish botanist (Foxx and Hoard 1984). What may look like the flowers (the bright red parts), are actually bracts, which hide the flowers.
Overview of <em>Castilleja integer</em>, found in pinyon-juniper woodlands.
Botanical Characteristics:

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Flower of <em>Castilleja integer</em>.
Overview of Castilleja integra, a plant found in pinyon-juniper woodlands and commonly called Indian Paintbrush. Pictures from the Falls Trail in Bandelier National Monument, Cebolla Mesa, Rio Grande Gorge, and Black Rock, Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument. The genus name honors Castillejo, a Spanish botanist (Foxx and Hoard 1984). What may look like the flowers (the bright red parts), are actually bracts, which hide the flowers.
Flower of Castilleja integra. The brilliant red petal-like structures are actually bracts.
Flower of <em>Castilleja integer</em>.
Leaves of <em>Castilleja integer</em>.
Stem and flower of Castilleja integra. Note the wooly hairs on the stem of the plant.
Leaves of the Castilleja integra. Leaves are linear or narrowly lance-shaped.
Leaves of <em>Castilleja integer</em>.




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